Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Why you are a big deal to me.

So here is the point in the list that I get all sappy and emotional. To convey all of the reasons that you are a big deal to me would take up too much room on the blogger site and I would probably violate some length rule that they have. Please know there are a lot more reasons than the ones listed below.

Why you are a big deal to me

You make me sane
You drive me crazy
You love me, even when you don't like me.
You are the parent I hope to be
You are the spouse I try to be
You are the reason I succeed
You make us look good
You are you, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Happy Birthday.

I hope you know how much you mean to me. I know I can give the impression that you are not a big deal and what you do isn't important or valued, but I value you and all you do. You are a working professional mom, but that doesn't define who you are. You are an amazing daughter, wife, mother, and friend. I hope that you feel special on your special day.

Love you!

Big Deal Intermission 2

I think it speaks for its self.

Our Family

I had to separate your family from our family. You are a big deal to our family. More than I think you give yourself credit for. So here you go

Why you are a big deal to our family

You make the trains run on time, but are a lot nicer than an Italian dictator. (and better looking)
You cuddle the kids, but you don't coddle.
You incorporate the kids into what you are doing. Harper will learn to cook because you included her.
You can be silly.
You can be caring.
You can be stern.
You love. Unconditionally.
You kiss boo boo's.
You work hard as mom, then find time to work even harder as customer service consultant.
You smile while doing it.
You value the time at home.
You are patient.
You are kind.
You make really good healthy cookies.
You are creative.
You listen.
You are the reason our kids are the loving, caring kids they are.

Big Deal Intermission

I hope we never get tired of this song.

So it's your birthday...

So it's your birthday, and you are a big deal. Believe it or not, you really are. In honor of your birthday I figured I would try to let you know why you are a big deal. Due to the fact that you are a big deal to many people in many ways I have to break it down a little so the list isn't so overwhelming.

Why you are a big deal to your family.

You are different than them, and it gives them perspective.(even if they are not ones to admit it)
You are a special type of glue that brings them together.
You help them realize that family is important.
You are just like them.(Even if you don't admit it) It is fun to be the outsider seeing you interact with your family.
You forgive them. You know that they all have their flaws and you know they are more than that.